An Original One Act Play in the Morley Arts District
“Resiste”, an original one act play, written, directed and starring Mario Villa, had its debut performance at the Wittner Museum last Saturday July 28.
“Resiste” is the first theater production hosted by The Witter Museum, an extension of La Linea Art Studio. The Wittner became the launching point for what would eventually become known as the Morley Arts District.
The play tackled serious issues such as the treatment of trans people, the importance of dealing with trauma and the power of empathy. “Resiste” also featured performances by Ambar Cassillas, Alonzo Tenebris and Miriam Recillas.
The play is centered around the character of Lola, a sex worker addicted to drugs and alcohol, played masterfully by Villa himself. The story unfolds as her reporter friend, Alva played by Casillas interviews Lola for her weekly talk show.
Lola and the Wig from the Morley Arts District

Throughout the interview and by what can be best described as surreal storytelling, each of the characters that has had a major impact on Lola’s life are brought literally to center stage and confronted by the main character.
One to always keeping his eyes open, Villa recalls finding his inspiration for the character in the most unlikely of places.
“I was shopping on Morley once, and I saw this wig,” Villa said in an interview for La Linea Podcast. “I liked the wig, but I didn’t really have a need for it, I didn’t think I could use it for anything. Days and weeks went by, and I saw that same wig again in another place and that’s when I thought ‘the universe wants me to buy this wig.’”
Villa put the wig on a mannequin and slowly created a character around it and gave it an entire back story that slowly turned into a theatrical universe.
“This character is one I intend to use multiple times, sometimes as a supporting character, sometimes as the villain, sometimes as the main character,” Villa said. “Never justifying her actions or victimizing her. I believe this is a character that can send a positive message to people.”
The synthetic, curly, platinum, blonde wig that Villa bought years ago from one of the many stores on Morley, it’s the very same he wore for his performance on opening night. Poetically finding her way back to the street she once called home.
Bow: Actors Alonzo Tenebris, Miriam Recillas, Mario Villa and Ambar Cassillas,take their final bow.
Resiste: Actors take center stage at the plays climax.
Mama: Lola confronting and begging her mother for acceptance.
Una Noche con Alva: The charter of Alva interviews Lola for her weekly talkshow.
Lola: Mario Villa Plays Lola in the play Resiste.